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09:00 – 12:45
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Microfocus ALM Octane allows you to manage your project lifecycle from start to finish.
Manage your tasks and defects easily, sync them across QA & Development teams and set everything on your backlog.
ALM Octane is a comprehensive lifecycle management solution focused on enhancing the speed, quality, and scale of delivering software for organizations adopting Lean, Agile, and DevOps delivery practice.
As enterprises shift to a more rapid application delivery, ALM Octane provides the robust enterprise capabilities to meet those needs.
As an existing QC customer we will demonstrate how to migrate your data from QC projects to ALM Octane workspace with all it’s advantages.
Come join us to take part in Securenet & Microfocus unique event.
Learn about the ALM Octane concept and watch the new features.
ISV Migration Manager Program
Amazon Web Services
ISV Migration Manager Program
Amazon Web Services
ISV Migration Manager Program
Amazon Web Services
ISV Migration Manager Program
Amazon Web Services